Grant Proposals
The 2018-19 EAF Academic Award Announcement and Request for Proposal (RFP)
Purpose, Administration, and Amount of Award
The purpose of the Ethiopian American Foundation Academic Award is to support research, academic and creative activities that directly support higher education in Ethiopia (see below for detailed EAF objectives). The EAF Award may be made to an individual or institute or center, all directly affiliated with an Ethiopian academy of higher education. There will be two awards: one to a proposal in the social sciences and humanities, and another to a proposal in the hard sciences (STEP disciplines). The amount of each Award for the 2018-19 year cycle shall be $4,000.
Objective of the EAF Award
The following are examples of academic and creative work that fall within the objectives of EAF for which award funds may be used:
- Faculty and graduate student research.
- Initiative in creative endeavor in the fine arts.
- Procurement or upgrade of strategic research technology.
- Related academic work that would advance objectives of higher education.
Procedures for Application
Faculty, graduate students, academic institutes, and centers affiliated with Ethiopian academies of higher education are invited to apply for the EAF annual award by submitting the following documents electronically to
1. A three-page proposal with a detailed description of the objective and the expected outcomes of the project for which the award funds will be used.
2. A brief line-item budget for the use of the award funds.
3. The name(s) and CV(s) of the principal investigator(s) (PI(s)) responsible to carry out the funded project.
4. Approximate duration of the academic and creative work supported by the EAF funds.
Review Process
Proposals shall be evaluated by an Awards Committee of EAF appointed by the Executive Committee of EAF. The Awards Committee may, in certain cases, seek input from peer reviewers who are familiar with the subject matter of the proposed project.
Award Requirements
Acceptance of the EAF Academic Award shall constitute an agreement to fully comply with the following requirements:
- The EAF Award shall be used for new academic initiatives by faculty, graduate students, or academic centers located in Ethiopian institutions of higher learning. They may not be used to supplement work funded by other grants.
- The EAF Award may be used to cover costs associated with field research. It may also be used to buy-out time from teaching to devote full-time to the proposed project.
- The EAF Award shall not be used for administrative overhead or to compensate administrators.
- The use and accounting of EAF funds shall be in compliance with rules and regulations that govern the Ethiopian institute or center of higher education with which the PI(s) is/are affiliated.
5. Upon completion of the project, the PI(s) shall submit a financial report on the use of the funds and a brief report of the outcome of the research to the EAF secretariat (attn.: Assefa Mehretu).
6. The PI(s) shall acknowledge EAF in publications and/or dissemination of research results that are supported by EAF.
7. The PI(s) shall make reports, publications and data collected on research supported by EAF openly available to all those interested in the subject matter with the appropriate acknowledgement of authorship.
Eligibility Requirements
All faculty, graduate students, institutes, and centers in higher education in Ethiopia are eligible to apply for the EAF Award.
Application Deadline
Application materials for the 2018-19 award should reach the Office of the Executive Director of EAF by May 1, 2018 sent as attachments to
Notification of Awards
Successful applicants shall be notified by July 30, 2018.
As part of its obligation as a non-partisan and non-profit organization registered in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the U.S. as well in the State of Michigan, EAF may request additional information on the status of the research, including a short progress report, at any time during the proceedings of the project.